Publication in Conference Proceedings / Workshop

On the number of stable solutions in the Kuramoto model

lex Arenas, Antonio Garijo, Sergio Gómez, Jordi Villadelprat

Probabilistic Discrete-Time Models for Spreading Processes in Complex Networks: A Review

Clara Granell, Sergio Gómez, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Alex Arenas

Joint Analysis of the Epidemic Evolution and Human Mobility During the First Wave of COVID-19 in Spain: Retrospective Study

Benjamin Steinegger, PhD; Clara Granell PhD; Giacomo Rapisardi, PhD; Sergio Gómez, PhD; Joan Matamalas, PhD; David Soriano-Paños, PhD; Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, PhD; Alex Arenas, PhD